agreement of verb

2007-10-30 7:37 pm
In a grammar book published in UK, it states,

"The verb in a defining clause agrees with its nearer antecedent"

so it claims the following sentence correct:
"He was one of the best subs that HAVE ever worked here."
我們一向學的,不是用has嗎? 因為所指的是he,不是the best subs...
是我們在學校學的不對,還是有另一條grammar rule用在呢類case???

回答 (3)

2007-10-30 8:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你的問題問得非常好,現引用【牛津 英語用法指南】(Practical English Usage:作者為Michael Swan)的506.1條下,書中正有討論 one of the ...+關係從句,相信可以解答你的疑問:
1. one of the ...+ 關係從句
在這個句子裏:She's one of the few women who have climbed Everest(她是幾位登上埃佛勒斯峯的婦女之一),動詞have為複數,因為主詞(who)指的是複數(the few women)。但是,這個句子也包含著She has climbed Everest這樣一句話,而在非正式文體裏,許多人會因此說She's one of the few women who has climbed Everest.嚴格地說,這是不正確的(關係從句中的動詞應與關係從句的主語一致,而不應與主句的主語一致),但在非正式的英語中,這種結構很普遍。
 One of the things that really make/makes me angry people who don't answer letters.(有一件事使我真生氣,那就是人們不答覆信件)
 Alice wa one of the students that were/was late for the lecture.(聴講座有學生遲到,艾麗斯就是其中之一。)


2007-10-30 8:15 pm
HAVE is correct, the word HAVE is to describe the best subs (plural), not directly to He.

He was one of those guys who HAVE ever worked here.

2007-10-30 12:16:14 補充:
If you want to use HAS, the sentence should be:He was the best sub that HAS ever worked here.
2007-10-30 7:51 pm
There is no problem. Because "He was one of the best subs that HAVE ever worked here." , "Have" in fact follows the word "that". In this sentence, "that" represents "He" so it agrees with its nearer antecedent.

That is why we need to put "that" there.

2007-10-30 11:54:07 補充:
Sorry for the may-be confusion, I mean we should use 'Has' instead 'Have' because it follows 'that' which is third person singular.
參考: me

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