甚麼是路演? 點様進行?

2007-10-30 5:23 pm
甚麼是路演? 點様進行?

回答 (2)

2007-10-30 5:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
路演(Road Show)



2007-10-30 5:32 pm
If you mention is <Road Show>, it normally for the company would like to do a promotion, and they will set the <counter> at difference area and difference. For example, HK Bank would like to promotion Visa card application, they may be today will set a counter at Causeway bay until Friday, and on Saturday, they will move to Central, IFC for two days, and on Next monday, the counter may be move to Tai Koo Shing... etc...
That mean, the will set the counter or service booth around some difference area. But also do that same thing

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