
2007-10-30 4:28 pm
如何決定那些股票可作長線投資, 並有可觀回報呢?

回答 (2)

2007-10-30 7:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2007-10-30 7:03 pm
personal suggestions for you are 833 中國海洋石油有限公司 , 3988 中國銀行股份有限公司.
It is becasue for 833, due to the shortage of oil in the world, the price of it will go up. also there is news pointing out that it will return back to 'A股' next year, that's why the price will be estimated to be higher. one last reason, winter is coming, most countries over the world are reserving oil, with these reason, 883 is valuable.
For 3988, the stock price is very very low comparing with other banks. So obviously it is under estimated. However, the main cause blocking its price from going up is becasue too much bad debt. Therefore, if the problem could be overcome, for sure the stock price of 3988 will be higher like couple times

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