加航 - 登記“星空聯盟”問題?

2007-10-30 9:45 am
因要乘搭ca加拿大航空,所以想登記成為“星空聯盟會員”,但係加航網站登記左好多次都唔成功,佢一係就話我無填post code、地址不正確、電話號碼不合(只准填7位數字),總之...我填左成粒鐘都唔成功。但反而係泰航air thai 到登記就無問題順利登記。

回答 (3)

2007-10-30 11:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Actually you dont need to go to that website. You can go to www.ual.com to apply as a member of "Star Alliance". Star Alliance has lots of partner airlines, you dont need to go to Air canada to register, even now i show you go to United Airlines to apply , once you get that card, you still can use that card to make the reservations or check in on Air Candada.

I have a UAL star alliance card, but i use that card to travel on Asiana , Air New Zeland, is still work,so just go to ual.com to apply it.

You can just use a card for all the airlines that under Star Alliance. Same as asia miles, got a card, can use that card for every airlone which are under Asia Miles such as BA, CX , VS

2007-10-30 03:11:15 補充:
Try to go to UAL hk website, i think they will have the special application form in the internet because HK doesnt have zip code and has 8 numbers

2007-10-30 22:47:12 補充:
It doesnt matter, i travel on Air New Zeland to Auckland and Asiana to SFO , i using the UA millege plus, is still work, all my record are in UA ,and UA send me a letter listesd all the records

2007-10-30 22:50:12 補充:
I am also a frequent traveler, i am Delta, Asia Miles, Star Alliance, SQ members, i always travel, if you said one card use on company, how do you explain Asia miles card can use alots of airlines instead of apply 1 card for every airlines

2007-10-30 22:52:04 補充:
If you want to apply 1 card for every airlines, then you have to apply tons of it because every airlines does offer membership card, BA , VS, CX ( marco polo) , lots of company, but the star alliance and Asia miles want the passenger more convenient, so they combined into 1 card

2007-10-30 23:05:04 補充:
I received the Marco Polo club statement that shows all my trips, i took CA to PEK, In fact, CA doesnt have any relationship with KA and CX, ( except code share flight) , CA because is Asia miles member, so i use Marco polo card to check in, they still pose that statement into my papers
參考: I am a frequent traveler
2007-10-30 6:47 pm
記住,飛開那一間就用那一間, 不是因為大家同一個group就以為沒有分別的,post code-嘗試852(雖然香港是沒有post code的),電話號碼的area code,你真的要打電話去加航AC問問
每個單獨的航空公司也有自己的special offer,自己的partner,自己的bonus miles優惠
2007-10-30 5:13 pm
雖然 UAL 同 AEROPLAN 都係 STAR ALLIANCE, 不過入MILEAGE 果 D 方法係唔同, 我用左 AEROPLAN 超過10 年 (早期時在AIR CANADA香港OFFICE 登記), 覺得佢地入分比其他 STAR ALLIANCE PARTNER 好D, 因為有D AIRLINE 係D 唔同CLASS 入分可能得50%或者70%, 佢地就入足100%, 我試過同朋友一齊搭同一班飛機, 我可以入足100%, 佢地只係得70%。

至於你話係AEROPLAN 個網站登記唔到, 你可以打電話去AIR CANADA 香港OFFICE 問下, 或者登入果時個POST CODE 隨意填00001, 電話又隨意填左佢, 反正又唔會有電話聯係,攞左果MEMBERSHIP NBR. 先, 第日先至再係PROFILE 果度改。

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