"what we have is...."依句英文點解?

2007-10-30 8:27 am
"what we have is...."依句英文點解?

回答 (4)

2007-10-30 10:16 am
✔ 最佳答案

What we have is ...我們所擁有的就是...可以是實際物件, 例如﹕金錢,車﹐屋﹐或無形物件:時間﹐毅力﹐耐性)

例子﹕If you ask me what I have for now, I will tell you what I have is time and patience. (如果你問我現在有的是甚麼﹐我會告訴你我有的就是時間和耐性。)
參考: I live and study in the US
2007-10-30 10:37 am
what we have is.... = 我們有的是....
2007-10-30 10:12 am
中文解 "我地有既係....."
2007-10-30 9:00 am
what we have is=究景我們有甚麼野?

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