Can I save my relationship w/ my 15 yo girl?

2007-10-29 7:19 pm
A year ago she messed up. She's was good girl, but, joined bad crowds, did some wrong stuff, got disrespectful. She apologized but got punished anyway, I got very disappointed and it took me some time to trust her again. Much more than the punishment, this hurt her really bad, made her suffer a lot, to an extent I couldn't realize then. She got so depresed and resentful that I sent her to therapy. She got better but her resentment didn't change, she could never get over it. We had a wonderful relationship and it was destroyed. She says I didn't act as a mom, I couldn't understand she is human and may make mistakes like anyone else I was cruel. She's a great girl, never messed up again, I'm proud of her but don't have her love. She has a teacher she likes much more than me, she gave her trust when the girl needed it most. I miss so much our relationship, but it seems it's gone forever. She's respectful, but her resentment keeps getting stronger. She says my presence is painful to her

回答 (2)

2007-10-29 7:53 pm
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It takes time to build up a relationship and trust, be a little more patient. Listen to her and do not jump up to judgement or criticism. One thing I always remembered what my boss told me, never play your role to punished her but tell her you would like to help her and make her life better. Set a time every night and talk to her even for 5 minutes, i'm sure it'll be discouraging in the beinging but eventually I'm sure she'll trust you and talk to you. Don't give up.
2007-10-29 7:29 pm
What did you do to her that was so bad?

Why don't you go have a talk with that teacher, and see if she can give you any insight.

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