
2007-10-30 1:52 am
稅務資料遺失, 因資料給股東取走,及此人是台灣人己回台灣, 應如何做???

are the taiwan break the law, which one, can you state, thank a lots

回答 (4)

2007-10-30 6:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
I would like to advise you as follows:
1. If the Taiwanese shareholder can be contacted, you can ask him to return such documents;
2. If the Taiwanese cannot be reached, you can ask the bank to send you duplicate bank statements, passbook copies and cheque copies for constructing a payment and receipt summary and therefore the balance sheet and profit and loss account;
3. Ask your accountant (auditor) for advise;
4. Request for extension of filing profits tax return;
5. If the documents were taken away deliberately, consider whether there is any fraud element and to obtain legal advice.
Hope it can of help!
2007-11-04 1:26 am
你可能會比稅局告架,最好都係問銀行拎返晒d 野先啦,bank statement 都無,無人幫到你架,再 揾 d accounting firm 幫你做返盤數,如果唔係報唔到稅會好煩架,無supporting 個audit report 花 d 啫,都報到稅既。

www.wale-x.com.hk 問一問睇下幫唔幫到你啦
2007-10-30 3:57 am
Just call your partner in Taiwan to send you those accounting document. If he doesn't , you can give him a legal letter from your lawyer.
2007-10-30 2:01 am

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