2007-10-30 12:21 am
我呀媽訂左E-TICKET俾我, 但系我去manage booking果度佢話呢張e-ticket唔系belong to me, 我應該點做呀????? 我訂左qantas既.

回答 (4)

2007-10-30 8:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果你是Qantas Frequent Flyer member的話,你可以在網站打開你的Itinerary...
1)叫你呀媽把她幫你訂的行程e-amil或fax給你(我在澳航香港office買票的時候,他們都會給我一張print out的,看看你要的是不是那行程和乘客名字,確定後才出票的)
2)拿張print out去你附近的Qantas office問問
我是Qantas Frequent Flyer member
2007-10-30 6:20 am
Well, you should call the local Qantas office you have and ask them to correct it for you(which would require several times of pleading). You may also go to and look out for your own.
2007-10-30 1:22 am
It's simple. You can simply phone them by 16 009 661 901 (Australian) or 2822 9000 (Hong Kong). Or email them at [email protected] . You can see for yourself at . Hope I can help you!
2007-10-30 12:52 am
ring qantas reservation in HK lor~ so simple.

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