
2007-10-29 10:53 pm

Rose wishes Zack wasn't such a big bullt.
He's alwats teasing her at school .Luckily
for Rose,her Uncle Vinnie has awizard
trick or two up his sleeve----maybe he can
conjure up a magic solution to her problem?

Soon,with a little halp from Uncle Vinne
and the classroom pet rat,Rose is ready to
teach Zack a lesson he'll never forget...


回答 (1)

2007-10-30 12:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
After reading this passage i feel very surprised because of Zack!How can he play trick on other people?If i were Rose ,i would use the magic powder properly.But i think that for solving a problem,we cannot make a problem for another so that will not be a bad guy.Although i do not like Zack ,i still think this story is very interesting.

Ihope i can help you..
參考: myself

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