F2 science ~ breathing

2007-10-29 10:34 pm
1)gaseous exchang 同 breathing 係咪一樣?

2)respiration 同 breathing 又有咩唔同?

3)photosynthesis 係咪岩岩好係respiration GE 掉轉? (條word equation)

聽日test, 我仲未搞清li 幾條question, 請各位幫幫手, thx
聽日8:00 前要ans!!!

中or 英都ok


RE: 超自然‧科學 sorry, no. 我係plktytc ge 學生

回答 (8)

2007-10-29 11:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
gaseous exchang
This exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is called gaseous exchange.

人體breathing The movement of air into and out of lungs is called breathing.
nose --- mouth --- trachea --- bronchus/bronchi ---air sac( lungs )
braething is a physical process and it occurs in air sac .
植物的breathing是photosynthesis 同埋 respiration 但係有分快慢同日夜之分

respiration 係細胞 呼吸過程 以便得到能量
In respiration , food and oxygen join up to produce carbon dioxide and water ,energy is given out during respiration.
--- get a continuous spply of oxygen
--- remove carbn dioxide


photosynthesis word equation

carbon dioxide + water →(chlorophyll/light)→oxygen + starch(food)

respiration word equation

food + oxygen →(burning)→carbon dioxide + water +energy(light+heat)

參考: IS 筆記 馬可賓中學統測
2008-10-31 5:18 am
I think it should be: nose --- nasal cavity--- trachea --- bronchus/bronchi ---air sac( lungs )

I think you are wrong.
2007-10-29 11:46 pm
1) gaseous exchange occurs in breathing

2) breathing is to undergo gaseous exchange, that is, human breaths out a high concentration of carbon dioxide and a low concentration of oxygen, then breaths in fresh air (which contains a high concentration of oxygen), gas exchange takes place in the lungs.

But respiration is an energy-releasing process in which food( usually glucose) is broken down or oxidized under the control of enzymes, it takes place in the animal or plant cells.

So, breathing is so different from respiration.

3) Photosynthesis is a synthetic process occurring in green plants. It converts light energy into chemical energy in the form of carbohydrates. Oxygen is released as a by-product.
Word equation of photosynthesis:
carbon dioxide + water ==(needs light energy+chlorophyll)==>> carbohydrate + oxygen

There are 2 types of respiration, aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration
Word equation of aerobic respiration:
glucose + oxygen ==>> carbon dioxide + water + energy

anaerobic respiration:
in yeast cells and plant cells:
glucose ==>> ethanol + carbon dioxide + energy

in muscle cells of animals:
glucose ==>> lactic acid + energy

Photosynthesis and respiration need different conditions to occur. So, we CANNOTsay that photosynthesis is a conversion of respiration.

( If there is something wrong, please tell me )

2007-10-29 15:54:00 補充:
in chinese meaning, Breathing is 呼吸Respiration is 呼吸作用
參考: my F.5 Biology knowledge
2007-10-29 11:13 pm
there are 2 ways to explain this question (a is complete version, b is an easier version)
1a) Breathing means you breath in and out air and gaseous exchange means the actions take place at cells level inside your lungs, which means the gases travel in and out through your lung cells' membranes and let gases go in and out of your blood.
b) Breathing is the action you do to in take and let go of gases for gaseous exchange

2) Breathing is simply the exchange of gases from outside and inside the lung, for which no gaseous exchange in cell level nor chemical reaction involved and respiration include the gaseous exchange process at cell level and the chemical reaction which release energies.

3) No, the word equations of phtotsynthesis and respiration are different.

2007-10-29 15:17:49 補充:
Photosynthesis:CO2 + water+ sunlight ---------> Food + Oxygenrespiration:Food + Oxygen---------> Co2 + water

2007-10-29 15:18:59 補充:
by a uni student

2007-10-29 22:44:39 補充:
(Don't know why it became undefined code)Photosynthesis:CO2 water sunlight --------- Food Oxygenrespiration:Food Oxygen--------- ENERGY Co2 water
2007-10-29 10:58 pm
1) 呼吸的目的就是進行氣體交換 所以2個野係唔同 佢地係 cause and result果d野

2) 從字義上解釋:respiration 與 breathing 都是解作呼吸.
breathing:指吸入 and 呼出 並無其他特別
respiration :obtain energy from their food by a process called respiration.係respiration入面oxygen is needed and carbon dioxide and water are given off as by-products

3) photosynthesis is not the opposite of respiration ,photosynthesis做既野係由chlorophyll[葉綠素]吸陽光+水 之後整食物[starch] +oxygen
雖然一個係呼出carbon dioxide 一個係整 d oxygen出黎 但係佢地係2樣唔同既野 而且只要有一d條例[如sun light water]果d photosynthesis係可以同respiration一齊做

2007-10-29 17:16:37 補充:
1 氣體交換係係cell到進行一個chemical reaction
參考: 自己
2007-10-29 10:54 pm
1)gaseous exchang: 係oxygen &carbon dioxide exchange.
breating....animals take in oxygen..give out carbon dioxide .oxygen changes to carbon dioxide!!
2)respiration 係係我們take in oxygen ,,product energy唔&carbon dioxide..respiration 係個過程的name..breathing 係唔一樣,although 中文name係一樣...
3)photosynthesis :for green plants..take in carbon dioxide ,give out oxygen.
參考: myself.hope i can help you^>^
2007-10-29 10:51 pm
2)respiration is for plant
breathing is for people
carbon dioxide+water---------- light,chlorophyII------------>starch+oxygen

oxygen -------->carbon dioxide

2007-10-29 14:53:47 補充:
1)breathing's purpose is gaseous exchang
2007-10-29 10:45 pm
1) 呼吸(breathing) 的目的就是進行 氣體交換 (gaseous exchang)
2) 從字義上解釋:respiration 與 breathing 都是解作呼吸「呼吸」,它們是同義字。
3) photosynthesis 當然不是 respiration 的掉轉啦。

2007-10-29 14:55:45 補充:
考慮這兩種作用的輸入及生成物 ...光合作用(photosynthesis): 陽光二氧化碳 + 水 ---------> 碳水化合物 + 氧氣 葉綠素呼吸作用(respiration):碳水化合物 + 氧氣 ---------> 二氧化碳 + 水雖然輸入及生成物相同,但是兩個作用所涉及的化學過程及產生地方是不同的。光合作用當中包括光反應與暗反應。前者是發生於葉綠素中的葉綠體細胞,後者是發生於細胞中的粒腺體。

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