cheating in school. Is cheating morally permis

2007-10-29 5:00 pm
The topic is cheating in school. Is cheating morally permissible or morally impermissible? Explain your view.

i have to write at least 200 words plz help me

回答 (2)

2007-11-03 2:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Some writing ideas below:

Cheating is morally NOT ACCEPTABLE (不可接受的), because:

It is unfair to other students who study hard for the test / exam.

Cheating means you are not honest to your teachers, parents, and yourself.

Can't argue that you don't hurt anybody if you cheat, because:

If your classmates find that you get high marks because of cheating, they might feel very angry, or next time they also cheat and don't study like you. That means more students learn from you and do wrong things too!

2007-11-02 18:29:08 補充:
permissible 是形容詞permiT 是動詞
2007-10-29 5:12 pm

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