
2007-10-29 6:50 am
因兒子來不及在港hsbc開英國戶口, 到英國才開, 他說每月要在戶口扣除費用, 但問有些同學要, 有些又不要, 是否需要放一定款項, 問銀行職員, 態度很差, 愛理不理, 有冇人可解答我, thx

回答 (3)

2007-10-29 7:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
that is based on different account category, is really depends, different category, different charge, even some are free of charge... some links with their parents' account, some are stand alone
it's really various....
if your aim is to have a free account for your son, then you need to know what you can support, like are you are Preimer account holder? and if yes, then are you willing to open a Junior Pack account for your son? if not, then what's your banking situation, like how much you are with the bank, and what category you can have that can benefits for your son's account... and if even not that, and if your son want to have a standalone account, is he qualify for the HSBC UK Student Account or he has to have other type of standalone account....
sorry cannot answer you straight due to not know your son's and your situation in details, but for sure, the bank staff can help you out as well
you can try HSBC international banking division :
Telephone: (852) 2233 3888
Address: 6/F HSBC, 1 Queen's Rd, Central, Hong Kong

2007-10-31 5:26 pm
Yup thats true!!!! If your mom/dad is a premier account holder, they won't charge u if its a join account, they'll charge evry single studient account holder....

ps I recomand to open an account in uk.... Its better off then doing it in HK, coz the ppl in hk HSBC is causing me alot of problem too!!! I tried to creat an account in HK then transfur it to UK, it doesn't work at all, I gotta creat another account in uk and join it with dad(So I dun get charged...) Now I got 2 debit card and no credit cards.... But dad got like 5 credit cards now, coz they sent it all the way back to HK!!!!! >
參考: Me
2007-10-29 2:04 pm
Go to their HK head office in Queen's Rd Central, the international branch section and make enquiries.

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