
2007-10-29 5:11 am

1.eating / after / teeth / your / first /brush / always /,/ ./

2. after / eating / chewing gums / ,/ usually / have / second / garlic or onions.

3.wash / your / third / shoes and socks / often /./ ,/

4.sometimes /,/ see / a / forth / dentist /.

5. never / fifith / going to bed /,/ before / sweet foods / have /.

回答 (3)

2007-10-29 7:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. first ,always brush your teeth after eating .
2.second ,usually chewing gums garlic or onions after eating.
3.third , often wash your shoes and socks .
4.forth ,sometimes see a dentist.
5.fifith , never going to bed before have sweet foods .
參考: me
2007-10-30 12:33 am
1. First,always brush your teeth after eating .
2. Second, usually chewing gums after have eating garlic or onions.
3. Third, often wash your shoes and socks .
4. Forth, sometimes see a dentist.
5. Fifith, never have sweet foods before going to bed.

2007-11-01 13:34:33 補充:
2&4明顯是錯句, 咁都選做最佳回答, 係咪自作業?
參考: proficient translator
2007-10-29 5:27 am
1.After you eat, always brush your teeth.

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