
2007-10-29 4:10 am
1. 讀MATH&STAT升大學有邊科適合修讀?

2. 本人有興趣讀統計學, 但唔知可唔可以讀到?(本人係文科生, 現修2AL=全文科 + ASL MATH&STAT, CE冇修A MATH)

回答 (2)

2007-10-29 3:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 有好多, 但有些科會對M&S有更高要求, 因為這科是AS. 科大計量財務要求該科考獲B或以上. 城大計算數學要求考獲C或以上. 城大資訊工程要求考獲E或以上, UE D或以上/通過學校英語測試可選擇副修法律. 港大資訊系統及港大和城大電腦科學要求數統D或以上/會考數學C或以上. 統計科目只要求E或以上.
2. 中大統計可以, 因為該大學統計學系只指定要求數學相關科目、中化和UE合格, 並沒有指定要求其他某科AL合格.
浸大的統計不只要求數統合格, 還要求高考指定理科或商科合格. 如果你其餘兩科是文科, 不是Econ, PA, BS這些科目, 就不可以入讀.
城大的管理統計要求會考數學D或以上, 或數統E或以上.
2007-11-05 12:42 pm
i am studying statistics and operations research double major in canada. although i don't know about the requirement of entering a math program in hk , i want to recommand u to have a look with a program called "operations research" in hku (http://hkumath.hku.hk/web/teaching/BSc_II_III_07.pdf ). the three major components of the discipline of operations research are Optimization, Statistics, and Computer Science

quoted from the University of Waterloo: "Operations Research is the field of mathematics that deals with the problems of management in business and government. It involves constructing mathematical models of complex real world situations and then applying sophisticated techniques to these models in order to make optimal, or near optimal, decisions."

comparing statistics, operations research is more practical in hk. if u like stats,u would like OR either.

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