
2007-10-29 4:00 am
the student union was asked to recommend ways to organize a school day to foster relationships among students,parents and teachers

really..........are you sure

回答 (3)

2007-10-29 4:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
The student union was asked to recommend ways to organise a school day to foster a closer relationship among parents, teachers and students.

organize 是美國串法, 英國是串 organise;
建議你用 closer relationship (無 S) 代替 relationships;
Father & Son 和 teachers & students 最好放在一起。

2007-10-29 21:40:14 補充:
你需要用 relationship (沒有 S ), 而不是 relationships, 因為這個學校開放日是要促進家長, 教師, 和學生之間的(一種)關係 。 (你不能用 between 來代替 among, 因為有多於 2 個以上的人。between 只能用於兩個人。)
2007-10-29 7:29 pm
非常好, 唯一我想改用 between 代替 among (不改也可以)
The student union was asked to recommend ways to organize a school day to foster relationships between students, parents and teachers.
參考: SELF
2007-10-29 4:23 am
I don't think there is anything wrong with it.

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