Phrasal Verbs..................

2007-10-29 2:00 am
我有條英文,就係Linda dosen't like wolf.She is afraids of them.
老師就話吾駛s,即係Linda dosen't like wolf.She is afraid of them.
但點解我寫Mary is take care of animal.She always protects them.
老師又話要加s???Mary is takes care of animal.She always protects them.

都有is ar!!


點解is takes care of animal裏的takes要加s?????

回答 (1)

2007-10-29 2:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Linda dosen't like wolf.She is afraid of them.

呢一句入面 ,
afraid of 係一個 phase ,
而唔係一個動詞 ,
所以唔使加 s ;

Mary is takes care of animal.She always protects them.

而呢一句入面 ,
protect 係形容緊 mary 的行動 ,
由於呢個係 verb ,
mary 係第三身 ,
所以一定要加 s ...
參考: 自己 =]

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