
2007-10-29 1:09 am

回答 (3)

2007-10-29 1:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
當然, 如果你真係好想投考警察咁我一定會支持你, 但佢地真係會check 得好清楚, 雖然感化官話3年內都沒再犯刑事的話,等於不再有案底, 但無人可以保証 對投考嘅結果無影響, 而你姐姐嘅問題亦都無可能check唔到, 因為入境處一定有record....
如果你真係好想服務大眾而投考警察又唔成功嘅話, 不妨諗下做social worker, 但social worker 都要有一定學歷同要求....

Anyway, 試下去投考如果唔試過又點知會唔得呢, 但係如果真係失敗都唔好放棄當攞個經驗!!

2007-11-01 5:40 pm

參考: 個人知識
2007-10-29 1:32 am
As U mentioned, police could chase your background and they would know you had recieved the probation order before. Moreover, in writing down your family background, it is mandatory to report all u close family member even they are not living in Hong Kong. Please do not try to hide up something since u are making a declaration to the Police. If the Police found overstaying in HK not a serious criminal offence record, they may consider your application. If they found u are telling lies, it may give u problem.

My opinion is that u may try to apply some other government job post rather than applying those job under disciplinary force. All disciplinary force would check your family background. U personal and u sister background would be a disadvantage to u.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 21:22:19
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