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即係條件字句...即係「If xxxxx, I will xxxxx」果d
分為4 類...
type 0 係永恆不變的fact....
條件句同主句都係用present tense..
eg. If we heat the ice, it melts.
type 1 is used when we refer to a probable event to take place now or in the future.
條件句用present tense,, 主句用future tense
eg. If you come into my garden, my dog will bite you.
type 2 講現在/ future 既,, 但發生機會唔大的...
條件句用past tense,, 主句用would xx
eg. If you go by train, you will get there earlier. (睇你都唔會搭train架啦)
type 3 is used when we are referring to a past, impossible case.
過去左, 冇得改變的事....亦即係俗語的「馬後炮」..
條件句用past perfect,, 主句用would + have + pp
eg. If he had started earlier, he would not have missed the train. (已經太遲了,, train 已經開左)