F.4 Chemistry(emergency)

2007-10-28 8:48 pm
1. How to distinguish whether a covalent compound has
simple molecular structure or giant covalent structure?

2.What is the difference between bonds and structure?

3.When there is one electron in the outermost shell of an element,it that
called "free electron"?Can two electrons in the outermost shell also called "free electrons"?

4.What is the difference between "mobile ions" and " free electrons"?

回答 (2)

2007-10-28 9:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
as follows :


參考: my chemistry knowledge
2007-10-28 9:42 pm
1. How to distinguish whether a covalent compound has
simple molecular structure or giant covalent structure?
答:只有少數例子是屬於giant covalent structure,例如Quartz, carbon
其餘絕大部分都是simple molecular structure。所以只要memorize那些是屬於giant covalent structure就能distinguish.
如果有提供compound的Boiling pt&melting pt, 當然higher Boiling pt&melting pt那個就是giant covalent structure了,因爲bond force比較強。

2.What is the difference between bonds and structure?
definition of bond: A chemical bond is the physical process responsible for the attractive interactions between atoms and molecules, and that which confers stability to diatomic and polyatomic chemical compounds.
definition of structure: The structure of a subtance is a description of what itts constituent particles are, and about how they arrange or packed together.
所以structure 是指一樣subtance 包含了什麽particles,以及它們如何排列。
而bond就是指把particles arrange 的force

3.When there is one electron in the outermost shell of an element,it that
called "free electron"?Can two electrons in the outermost shell also called "free electrons"?
outermost shell electrons in metal is called free electrons

4.What is the difference between "mobile ions" and " free electrons"?
In liquid state, the ions in compounds can move from one place to another, so we call it mobile ions
In a metal, the outermost shell electrons is loosely held and can move freely . These are free electron(delocalized electron)
參考: my own knowledge

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