maths (property tax)

2007-10-28 8:25 pm
A flat is rental out at $15000 a month. Find the property tax the owner should pay.

Thank You

回答 (1)

2007-10-28 11:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
租金 per year = $ 15000 * 12 = $ 180000
若租金由業主支付 = $ 9000 (estimate 差餉 = rent * 5%)
減: 業主支付的差餉 = $ 9000
= $ 171000
減: 20%修葺及支出的標準免稅額 $34200
= $ 136800
物業稅按15%徵收 = $ 136800 * 15%
物業稅 = $ 20520
希望解答到你 ^^
參考: Myself

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