Dietary fibre

2007-10-28 7:35 am
Dietary fibre is sometimes known as roughage.It is an organic food substance from the cell wall of vegetables and fruits.
We have no enzyme to digest dietary fibre .But it is important as it holds a lot of water and enables faeces to remain soft ,thus making them easier to pass out of the body .It also adds bulk to food to stimulate its movement along the alimentary canal(peristalsis) and thus prevent constipation .

can you help me to translate to chinease ,please ?

回答 (2)

2007-10-28 8:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
食物纖維素(dietary fibre)是一些粗食品(roughage).是一種基本的食物物質,在一些蔬菜和水果中的細胞壁(cell wall)找到。
我們人類並無酵素(enzyme)消化食物纖維素.但是食物纖維素是很重要的,因為它能夠存儲很多水份和令糞便(faeces)保持軟性,這樣糞便能容易的排出身體。食物纖維素能增加纖維性物質去刺激消化道(稱為蠕動 peristalsis) 和防止便秘(constipation)。
參考: 自己
2008-10-02 6:56 am

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