
2007-10-28 5:32 am
我在e-banking內check下個account, 發現有3個項目, 分別是脹面結餘、信貸總額、可用結餘,我想知這3個items有咩意思? 因為我無問過bank借錢, 點解信貸總額會有數字出現的? 最奇怪是這3個items加埋的數唔等於我股票的amount~~

回答 (1)

2007-10-29 8:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
脹面結餘 is your existing amount
信貸總額 is the credit line that the bank offers you - if you have apply for the 'secured credit line' - usually when you open the account, there is a question on asking whether you want to have the secured credit line or not, then you will have a 信貸額 for you to use, you can read the below link for reference :
可用結餘 is 脹面結餘 + 信貸總額
and if you purchase 股票, then the 股票 order will become and 'freezing amount' and also, if you have 信貸額, then the 股票 will have a certain percentage to sit on that, so, cannot really give you a actual figure now since you have not state clearly on the figures

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