
2007-10-28 5:32 am
xxx = 人名,唔想公開..照打番xxx就得


回答 (4)

2007-10-28 6:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
xxx and xxx, both of them cannot instigate or start any war again, including argument,injure each other's feelings
If they offend above law, they must be punish.

1. The penalty is HK$5
2. Deduct one trust

p.s 其實我唔明最尾"扣1個信任"係咩,不過我都照字面咁譯左

2007-10-27 22:12:08 補充:
HK$5可以改做 $5 Hong Kong Dollar見到好多人都只係用dictionary幫你直譯-_-

2007-10-28 14:09:23 補充:
係啵,2. Deduct one trust應該改2. Deduct a trust
參考: 我自己譯嫁
2007-10-28 9:08 pm
Xxx and xxx, the two can't launch a war again , includes: Make a noise and hand in, the wound that make the other side emotional
The other side offends against a rule of the above, must be smitten.
1.Fine 5 Hongkong dollars.
2.Deduct a trust
參考: me
2007-10-28 5:37 am
Xxx and xxx, the two no longer be allowed to wage war, including:闹pay, the other emotional trauma Over the other side of a breach of the legislation, will be severely punished. Penalty: 1. HK fined five yuan. 2. Withholding a trust
2007-10-28 5:37 am
1. punishes the Hong Kong dollar 5 Yuan.
2. buckles 1 trust

2007-10-27 21:38:49 補充:
xxx and xxx, both do not again the let loose the dogs of war, including: The noisy junction, is offended opposite party sentiment wound opposite party the above some legal regulation, must receive punishes.Penalty:1. punishes the Hong Kong dollar 5 Yuan.2. buckles 1 trust

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