About Human Resource Management

2007-10-28 2:28 am
"Formal education and training provide only a small part of what is learned at work." Critically discuss this statement.

集思廣益, 請大家幫幫手, 小妹志在收集ideas, 請俾D points我, 謝謝! 無言感激!!

唔好意思...... 係Formal education, 唔係Female education喎......

回答 (2)

2007-10-30 6:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
OK, 小弟試下比 d ideas 同 points 你整理句子, 埋尾就要靠你自己 la.

Formal education involves formal classroom activities and prepares the employees for future work responsibilities. It has a long-term focus.
Training provides employees the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to perform a particular job. It has an immediate focus.
I tend to agree that formal education and training help us only a little bit. Here are my arguments for this statement.

Education programs are only a small component of an employee’s profile. It is unreasonable to expect that education will result in a ‘whole manager’ who has all the knowledge, skills and abilities to manage effectively. Classroom activities lack practical orientation. A capable employee’s profile should be a mixture of formal education, training and experience.

Formal education may provide foundation for an employee’s development. However, interpersonal skills, such as conflict resolution, empathic listening, and so forth, are something that cannot be learnt from the textbook. They must be practised daily at work. Therefore, working experience is as essential as formal education.

Leadership cannot be learnt in the classroom. A leader is neither born nor made. A leader is environmentally trained. In this connection, exposure is more important than formal education.

There is a saying that ‘The best way to learn something is to teach.’ Therefore, job rotation forms a significant part of employee development and management development. When employees are rotated to work in another department, not only they learn the new skills from that department, they also have the opportunity to use their own skills to coach (or to teach) other employees in that department. This process of learning is more effective than the traditional education and training alone.

Training can never be effective if employees do not transfer what they have learnt to the job. Again, working experience is as essential as training.
On the other hand, formal education and training are not without their merits. They are useful in the following sense.

Formal education has a positive impact on the employee’s desire for continuous learning. This, in turn, becomes a desirable behaviour in today’s learning organisations.

All training attendants may receive a training manual. It covers the learning materials of the training program and will be a useful reference for future review.

Since classroom discussion often complements with formal education or training, this provides an opportunity for employees to share their experience with and learn from one another, as well as the instructor.
Here are some concluding remarks on your statement.
Based on the above arguments, formal education and training may help us only a little bit. In order to maximise the benefits of formal education and training, the following must be noted.

Carefully select a training instructor. Employ a credible professor for any formal education program.

Evaluate any training programs both before and after they are implemented. Evaluate the employees’ performance after they receive any formal education. Look for any desirable changes in their behaviour.

Do not copy education and training programs that are effective in one organisation to another because the vision, core values and objectives of the two organisations may be entirely different. It is absolutely necessary to perform a training needs analysis.
2007-10-28 8:02 am
Female education is a catch-all term for a complex of issues and debates surrounding education (primary education, secondary education, tertiary education and health education in particular) for females. It includes areas of gender equality and access to education, and its connection to the alleviation of poverty. Also involved are the issues of single-sex education and religious education, in that the division of education along gender lines, and religious teachings on education, have been traditionally dominant, and are still highly relevant in contemporary discussion of female education as a global consideration.
While the feminist movement has certainly promoted the importance of the issues attached to female education, discussion is wide-ranging and by no means confined to narrow terms of reference: it includes for example AIDS

Training refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relates to specific useful skills. It forms the core of apprenticeships and provides the backbone of content at technical colleges and polytechnics. Today it is often referred to as professional development.

Physical training is more mechanistic: planned suites of regimes develop specific skills or muscles with a view to peaking at a particular time. A field of training often used in sports is autogenic training. Another type of training is fartlek training which is a flexible training type which can be adapted to suit almost any athlete.
Training & Development is the field concerned with workplace learning to improve performance. Such training can be generally categorized as on-the-job or off-the-job. On-the-job describes training that is given in a normal working situation, using the actual tools, equipment, documents or materials that they will use when fully trained. On-the-job training is usually most effective for vocational work. Off-the-job training takes place away from normal work situation which means that the employee is not regarded as productive worker when training is taking place. An advantage of off-the-job training is that it allows people to get away from work and totally concentrate on the training being given. This type of training is most effective for training concepts and ideas.

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