tense 的 name+中文and 點用

2007-10-27 10:51 pm
e.g. present perfect simple

回答 (2)

2007-10-28 2:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
present simple tense 現在式 (現在做的事)
(eg. I go to the library )
past tense 過去式 (已發生的事)
(eg. I went to the library )
present continuous tense 現在進行式 (現在正在做的動作 )
(eg. I am going to the library )
past continuous tense 過去進行式 (過去做緊的事)
(eg. I was goung to the library )
present perfect tense 現在完成時的 (當說及一些事件發生於以前,並繼續進行至現在)
(eg. I have gone to the library )
past perfect tense 過去完成時的 (這個 Past Perfect Tense 與 Present Perfect Tense 雖然名字很相似,但是用法卻有一點兒不同。Past Perfect Tense 不需要像 Present Perfect Tense 般注意什麼 "有沒有準確時間",只要在相比下較 Simple Past Tense 早,便可以交給它去辦了。
(eg. I had gone to the library )
imperfect tense 未完成時的 (已發生但未完成的動作 )
(eg. I used to go to the library )
future tense 將來式 (將會做的事)
(eg. I will go to the library )
future perfect tense 將來完成式 (將來做緊的動作 )
(eg. I will (or shall) have gone to the library)
2007-10-30 5:07 am
最常用ge 就係 simple present tense 簡單現在式
We usually use simple present tense.when what we says is always ture, (e.g : the sun rises in the east ) something is true at the time we say it, (e.g The no.8 signal is now up ) or something that happens again and again ( such as habit ) ( I go to school every day, i eat my breakfast every day)

Since we use this tense for a repeated action ( something that we do again and again ), we often use it with words or phrases such as " always, often, sometimes, usually, seldom, never, every day, once a week, etc.

When we use simple present, if the subject is third preson singular ( He, she it, my brother, my sister, etc), the verb takes -s or -es.

present continuous tense 現在進行式
We use the present continuous tense when what we say is happening at the time of speaking ( eg. I am eating an apple ) In this example, we can know that ' I ' am eating an apple right now, it is still happenig.
This tense is formed by am , are or is +verb ending in -ing.
We often use it with words or phrases such as " now, at the moment, at present, still, etc.

simple past tense 簡單過去式
We use the simple past tense talk about what happened in the past.( e.g I went to Disneyland yesterday ) From this example, we know that the time that the action happened in the past , it is already happened.
The past fotms of the verb to be are was and were, the past form of most verbs is formed by adding -ed, some of the verbs are irregular, they do not form their past tense by adding -ed.
We often use it with words or phrases such as " yesterday, the day before yesterday, ago, last week, in the past, etc.

present perfect tense 現在完成時式
We use the present perfect tense for an action in the past that continuses in the present ( e.g I have finished my homework )
The present perfect is formed by have/has+ the past participle of the verb.
The past participle often ends in -ed,(i.e the same form as that of the past tense form of a verb)
The past participle of many important verbs, however, is irregular.
We also use the present perfect tense to talk about something that started in the past and vontinues up to the present. Very often we use the tense in this way with for or since.

These are just the simple ones, there are so many other tense, like future tense, past continuous tense, past perfect tense,etc, however, i don't have so much time to type you so much discription about these tenses, please forgive me. i'm so sorry for that. Hope i can help you.

P.S : 唔好意思, 我太懶, 所以唔想打太多中文。i'm so sorry for that!!>
參考: me

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