
2007-10-27 9:56 pm
aunt if he/she can discover me which is the value of a kimono of tae kwon do with their shoes marks nike or Adidas and others white sport shoes puma or adidas size 41 or 42 there she tells me the prices to see if I send him a money and she sends me but first it warns me it is that I have saved a money and there the things come out but cheap that here thanks aunt kuai siong I love you see you....

回答 (3)

2007-10-27 11:56 pm
伯母如果他/如果我把錢送給他,而且她送我,她能發現我哪一個在那裡是以他們的鞋子標誌 nike 做的 tae kwon 的和服的價值或者愛迪達和其他者白色的運動鞋子美洲獅或者 adidas 大小 41 或者 42 ,她告訴我價格見到但是第一它警告它是的我,我已經節省錢和在那裡事物出來但是便宜的那在這裡謝謝我愛你的伯母 kuai siong 見到你....
2007-10-27 11:01 pm
姑母, 如果他/她能發現我, 哪個是 一tae kwon的和服的價值處理他們鞋標明nike或者阿迪達斯和其它人白色運動鞋美洲豹或者adidas 41或者42號那裡她告訴我看見的價格 ....
參考: me
2007-10-27 10:18 pm
姑姑的,如果他/她可以發現,我這是價值跆拳道和服與鞋標誌著nike或Adidas等白色運動鞋美洲豹或adidas大小在於41或42 ,她告訴我的價格看,如果我送給他就要大灑金錢,並且她會送回我,但首先它警告我,那就是我儲的錢,那裏有東西出來,但便宜,在這裡感謝姑姑kuai siong我愛你看到你

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