S.1 maths questions(help!!)

2007-10-27 8:27 pm
Part A Short Question
(show all your working steps clearly)
a)Paul and Samuel walk -3m and +4m respectively.
(i)What is the distance between Samuel and Paul?

(ii)Find the direction(east or west) of Samuel from Paul is the above situation.

回答 (2)

2007-10-27 10:47 pm
因為distance 係 magnitude, 所以唔駛分direction

ai) 3+4=7m
ii) Paul is west while Samuel is east. ( the sign of Paul is - and that of Samuel is +)
參考: mine
2007-10-27 8:34 pm
(i)3+4=7(you don't have to add the positive and negative sign in this equation)

參考: my knowlegde

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