
2007-10-27 7:57 pm

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2007-10-27 8:15 pm
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(星島) 10月 25日 星期四 03:30AM
中國首個月球探測器命名為「嫦娥一號 」,有多重意義。

  奔月這個大動作,由嫦娥來演繹最貼題,同時將中國神話推向國際,與希臘 神話一較高下,不用向聯合國申請,嫦娥自動成為中國文化遺產,如果早一個月配合中秋節飛天就更應景。

  另一方面是為嫦娥的英文名字正名,一九六九年,當美國 「太陽神十一號」登陸月球時,知道嫦娥奔月故事的太空人Collins與侯斯頓太空中心通話時,開玩笑地說:「我們會盡力搜尋Bunny Girl。」

  Bunny Girl(兔女郎),很難想像穿了多層古裝長袍的嫦娥與衣性感的兔女郎聯想起來,不知是老外無文化抑或刻意抹黑。飛一個「嫦娥一號」上太空,官方譯名「The Chang'e I」見諸於所有國際傳媒,而不是Bunny Girl I,替嫦娥穿回密實長袍,還她端莊。

  用一個女性名字命名背負十數億人民榮辱的月球探測器,是出力大聲地向全世界宣布,中國男女絕對平等,而且高度重視女權,中國有十三億人口,過半數是女人,今日有「嫦娥一號」,可以繼續有二號、三號,直至六億五千幾號,名副其實撐起半邊天,亦可見中國對航天科技 的野心。




2007-10-31 21:12:13 補充:
SO 嫦娥一號的英文係 「The Chang'e I」!!
參考: YAHOO新聞----星島日報
2007-10-28 12:38 am
China launches first lunar probe - Chang’e 1

China launched its first linar probe on Wednesday, the first step in an ambitious 10-year plan to send a rover to the moon and return it to earth.

State television showed pictures of the Chang'e 1 orbiter taking off with a trail of smoke from the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre in Sichuan province in southwestern China.

The launch comes just weeks after China's regional rival Japan put a probe into orbit around the moon in a big leap forward for Asia's undeclared space race. India is likely to join the regional rivalry soon, with plans to send its own lunar probe into space in April.

The Long March 3A rocket carrying the probe blasted off shortly after 6pm HK time after officials from the China National Space Administration said weather conditions were good for a lift off.

Several thousand people living within 2.5 kilometres of the launch centre and under the rocket's trajectory were evacuated two hours before the launch, the Xinhua news agency said.

More than 2,000 tourists were also on hand to watch the rocket soar into space after paying 800 yuan (HK$827).

The Chang'e 1, named after a mythical Chinese goddess who flew to the moon, will orbit Earth while technical adjustments are made, and will enter the moon's orbit by November 5, administration spokesman Li Guoping said when the launch plans were announced Monday.

The project's goal is to analyse the chemical and mineral composition of the lunar surface. The probe will use stereo cameras and X-ray spectrometers to map three-dimensional images of the surface, and to study the moon's dust.

The 2,300 kg Chang'e 1 is expected to transmit its first photo back to China in late November, and to conduct explorations of the moon for a year.

The launch marks the first step of a three-stage moon mission. In about 2012 there will be a moon landing with a moon rover. In the third phase about five years later, another rover will land on the moon and be returned to earth with lunar soil and stone samples, Xinhua said.

In 2003, the mainland became only the third country in the world after the United States and Russia to put its own astronauts into space.

But China also alarmed the international community in January when it blasted an old satellite into oblivion with a land-based anti-satellite missile. It was the first such test ever conducted by any nation.

The Long March rocket had a drawing on it of a moon with an eclipse which was also designed to look like a dragon. "China Moon Probe" was written in Chinese on the rocket.

A government official said last week China hopes to join an international space station project that already counts leading space powers like the United States and Russia as its members.

The mainland does not participate in the International Space Station, due in part to American unease about allowing a communist dictatorship a place aboard.

The space station's first section was launched in 1998 and it has been inhabited continuously since 2000 by Russian, US and European crew mates.

Japan's space agency said nearly two weeks ago that its lunar probe was in high orbit over the moon and all was going well as it began a yearlong project to map and study the lunar surface.

2007-10-27 8:02 pm
嫦娥一號 = Chang’e 1



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