
2007-10-27 6:07 pm

回答 (6)

2007-10-27 7:07 pm
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你真人靚過張相 = You are more beautiful in real person than in the photo/ picture.

P.S. we do not use "actuality person"
參考: me
2007-10-28 10:02 am
你真人靚過張相You are more beautiful than in the photo/ picture.
You look better than the photo.

"actuality person" 是機器譯出來的渾賬東西。real person 也比他好。

2007-10-28 02:08:54 補充:
原文的中文含意(靚過)有兩解。(1)較好看(2)較美麗。一般理解是。(1)較好看.....佔最多的理解取向Therefore, You look better tahn the photo 便變成合理的講法

2007-10-28 02:10:06 補充:
tahn (又打錯字,是than才對)
參考: common sense only
2007-10-27 11:24 pm
You definitely look better in real life then your photo
2007-10-27 6:55 pm

You actuality person is more beautiful than the picture!
2007-10-27 6:43 pm
You look more beautiful in person than in the picture.
2007-10-27 6:27 pm
you actuality person is more beautiful than the picture!

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