
2007-10-27 4:43 pm
當公司給share option給員工時,
員工要共付一筆錢去paid the options,

回答 (1)

2007-10-27 6:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is important to calcualte the tax at the exercise date.

e.g. You get the share option from your company for $2,000 and exercise half of the option for $1,500. The the gain would be $500.
For 2006/2007
Sales procceds of share option $1,500
Less: costs of share option $1,000
Assessable income $500
If the remianing balance is exercised at 2007/2008, then the same calculation can also be applied.
員工要共付一筆錢去paid the options, say $100
Then : Market value of shsares on the date of
exercising the option $1,500
Less: cost of option $100
Cost of acquiring the
shares $1,000 $1,100
Assessable income $400


Just deduct the payment of the option from the first exercise date.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 21:59:34
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