~english songs~

2007-10-27 1:00 pm
Metalica- Hero of the day
Matthew good band- strange days
Evanescence- the last song I'm wasting on you

For the three songs above, can you please help me find:
-the origin of the song (which country the song is from)
-year it was created
-genre of the song (pop, rock, country, soft rock...)
-function of this music (casual listening, for dances...)

thank you!

回答 (1)

2007-10-27 5:34 pm
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Metallica - Hero of the Day

Metallica 是一隊美國重金屬樂隊, 於1981年組隊, Hero of the Day 這首歌收錄在Metallica 96年 9月那張專輯 Load 裏面, 歌本身是95年12月13號灌錄的, 這張專輯也屬於Heavy Metal, 至於function 其實重金屬多屬自己enjoy居多,因爲歌路是屬於抒發情緒的一種比較激烈的音樂.而這首歌意義在於那些一直尋找英雄的人,但卻沒有發現那些圍繞在自己身邊的人才是值得尊敬的英雄.
Metallica is an American heavy metal band formed in Los Angeles, California in 1981. "Hero of the Day" is a song by Metallica on their 1996 album Load. It is about people who are looking for heroes in the media and not realizing that those you should admire are the people whom you come across in everyday life. The song was first recorded on December 13th 1995.
Released: September, 1996
Genre: Heavy Metal

Matthew Good Band - Strange Days

Matthew Good band 是一隊加拿大樂隊, 主唱就叫Matthew Good, Matthew Good Band 95年在溫哥華組隊, 是屬於Rock/Acoustic 的樂隊, Strange Days 收錄在他們 99年的專輯Beautiful Midnight裏面,是他們解散前最為成功的一張專輯, 專輯屬於rock, alternative. Function 應該沒有特定吧, 喜歡搖滾的人都應該會聼.
The Matthew Good Band was formed in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1995. Beautiful Midnight was an album released by the Matthew Good Band in 1999. Beautiful Midnight became the band's most successful album, producing four singles and music videos, "Hello Time Bomb", "Load Me Up", "Strange Days", and "The Future is X-Rated".

Evanescence - The Last Song I'm Wasting on You

Evanescence 這對搖滾樂隊於1998年在美國阿肯薩斯州成立, 最初靠"Bring me to Life"這首歌迅速紅起來. "The Last Song I'm Wasting on You"這首歌收錄在2007年1月他們出的"Lithium"那張單曲EP. 專輯屬於alternative rock/gothic類. 這首歌是在2006年由樂團主唱Amy Lee所作.
Evanescence is a Grammy Award-winning American alternative rock band founded in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1998 by singer Amy Lee and former guitarist Ben Moody. "The Last Song I'm Wasting on You" was released in the single "Lithium" in January 07, genre as alternative rock/gothic rock, recorded in 2006, written by Amy Lee.
參考: wikipedia

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