en pointe+turn out的問題(ballet)

2007-10-27 9:08 am
而家轉左去JMW 到學ballet (G6),
要開始en pointe,
我發覺自己唔可以fully pointe
做centre的releve時arch好易累同唔夠turn out(hold唔到個heel向前)

加上我自己本身turn out真係差
企5th position兩隻腳距離太大啦, 有時做做下動作仲會更加turn in
我想知有咩辦法可以改善turn out,甚至可以做到企5th時兩隻腳都拍得埋一齊呢?

仲有, 我雖然只係得G6, 跳舞時都會出好多汗,好熱
有時做下barre work,都開始出汗
到pointe work時就更加出汗
係咪因為我體能唔夠好? 定係我太緊張? 定係只係個人的問題?

回答 (2)

2007-10-29 7:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am a male dancer, I do not know much about en pointe.
But about turn out ,you can strech more 你個胯, do some '青蛙'.
Or if you want a faster way, you can sit on the floor with pirouette position.
then hold your instep, 向出轉6-8個圈,再向入轉6-8個圈 repeat 3 times. Your turn out suddenly become more.But it last for a short period of time, you can apply this method when you on show.
About the last question, I can tell you . Even I haven't warm up before the class, when I finish 'Ronds de jabe a terre', I am totally wet. But some of my classmates, they even have no sweat after a 2-hour class.
So it is a 個人的問題.Do not need to worry about this.

2007-10-28 23:38:13 補充:
remember turn out is from your hip, don't 'turn out' your knee. Please be ware!!!P.S. you can test your 'real' turn out by ' lying on the floor and turn your feet out , and keep both side of your hip on the fllor , then you will know how much is your turn out

2007-11-04 01:29:31 補充:
no, turn vertically like drawing circles on your stright leg. simply speaking, hold your instep, turn it towards your feet 6-8個圈and thenturn it towards 你個胯6-8個圈. If you do it correctly, your turnout increase immedately. hope you know what i am talking about. If not, feel free to ask me

2007-11-05 19:07:02 補充:
lacrymosa_fxxkoff: can you do it now???does it work ???
參考: Me - Male Dnacer RAD Adv 1
2007-10-29 8:32 pm
其實對於turn out 既問題
企postition 既時候
咁你慢慢個turn out 就會有改善嫁喇 ....

人地pro. 果d 都會出汗 仲係好多汗添
如果你唔出汗 你就真係有問題喇....
宜出汗呢係唔同既 佢幫你排走d廢物
對你身體都好d嫁... XD
參考: hope its useful!

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