Benz Vito

2007-10-27 4:57 am

回答 (3)

2007-10-28 1:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Of coz you can't!不論是否汽油或柴油車,Benz Vito始終被列入客貨車車種,so 用私家車出牌是絕對不容許的!
參考: me
2007-10-29 3:39 am
no 柴油車and私家車 the車牌有2種,柴油的車牌是比私家車牌難羅好多,因為柴油車的油的用量比私家車油的用量是多啲,所以柴油車牌唔可以用私家車出牌.
2007-10-29 2:26 am
Yes it can!!
If that car can passed the Carliforia Diesel rule, and you can find a Transport Department approved center to test it( Which you can't), you can have a register as Private Car

But as I know, Vito's diesel cannot pass the rule

2007-10-28 18:27:12 補充:
Gasoline Version of the Vito can be register as Private car, you fool!!!
參考: A proper brain inside my head, Such Transportation Dept

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