最長最有用=最徍ans help plx ....20分

2007-10-27 3:58 am
Consolong a depressed friend<----題目
* short conversation ( about 2-3 mins)

回答 (1)

2007-10-27 7:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A: Hi May, you look really sad. Are you alright?
B: No...something has happened recently...
A: I'm sorry to hear that. What's wrong? Is there anything I can help?
B: (make up a reason)
A: (console B)

Here are some suggestions in helping a depressed friend:
There are things you can do to support and help your friend if they are depressed.

Offer your Support - It can be scary when you realise you need help. Let your friend know that you care and spend time with them. Just knowing that somebody cares about them can be reassuring as they may feel very alone and as if no one cares.

Encourage your Friend to Seek Help - It's important your friend seeks help from a counsellor, psychologist, youth worker, teacher or doctor, or someone reliable.

If your Friend Refuses to See Someone: Keep encouraging them to. If you feel able to, you might offer to go with your friend when they speak to someone about how they are feeling.

If they do talk to you about how they are feeling, it might help if you acknowledge that they are feeling down and that things might seem hard, while at the same time trying to remain positive and encouraging.

Choosing When to Talk - Timing can be an important part of talking to someone about sensitive stuff. Try to choose a time when you're both relaxed.

Avoid talking with them during an argument or if they are really upset. If you talk to them during an aggressive or defensive moment you may end up getting a bad reaction and distancing them.

If you're not sure what to say, you might try saying 'I'm worried about you'

Make them happier, which may include watching a DVD or going to the movies, playing a game, ringing a friend, chatting on msn, doing some exercise, reading a book or listening to music.

It's also important to remember that even though you can offer support, you are not responsible for the actions or behaviour of your friend. If they are not willing to help themselves it is not your fault.
參考: me

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