physics question(mechanic)

2007-10-27 3:24 am

2 Blocks P&Q connected by a string Sare placed on a horizontal fictionless surface.
The masses of the blocks P&Q are 2m&5m repectively. 2 horizontal forces X&Y are applying by 2 strings on the blocks P&Q respectively(Y>X)such that the 2 blocks move with constant acceleration to the right.
Find the tension of the string S.

回答 (1)

2007-10-27 7:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
Consider the whole system,
By F = ma
Y - X = (2m + 5m) a
a = (Y - X)/7m

consider the block P only,
by F = ma
T - X = (2m)[(Y - X)/7m]
T = 2(Y - X)/7 + X
T = 2Y/7 + 5X/7

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