
2007-10-27 12:23 am
1053見佢愈跌愈低, 唔知好唔好沽出

回答 (4)

2007-10-27 1:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
1053 重慶鋼鐵 公布,今年首9個月未經審核純利4﹒05億元人民幣.,較去年同期增長150%;其中第三季度盈利1﹒44億元。首9個月收入90﹒4億元,增30%。
2007-10-30 4:23 pm
你看圖就知佢跌唔穿50天線.rsi 係低. p/e19.
上望 $5.8. 我深信資源股會有一浪升.
2007-10-27 5:17 am
You should set cut lost when the share price has dropped by 10% ( Rule of thumb )
Seeing the chart , it is falling down non stop.

Learn from your stock experiences, have a better choice next time.
參考: Profit taking long term investor in HK
2007-10-27 12:28 am
沽la 咁低仲唔沽
參考: 1053官網

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