
2007-10-26 6:43 pm


回答 (4)

2007-10-26 7:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As marketing is an independent department, its management is not affected by other departments and all its manager need to do is to manage the sub co-ordinates. With the above reason, it would be easier to control and manage the marketing department if it is outsourced.

Now that there is an individual department responsible for marketing and production, the web is more well-known and hence attract more customers to visit and purchase. This hits up the sales and hence the revenue is significantly increased.

*由於中文文句又不是太通順, 不太明白中文說什麼, 所以grammer 可能唔係咁啱, 例如
究竟現在是outsource, 還是未outsource, 想遊說人outsource 呢?
management 唔受其他部門影響, 同只需管理下屬有咩關係呢?
點解唔受其他部門影響, outsource 就會容易控制同管理呢?

第一段講個"獨立" 既部門有唔好, 如果係outsource 左就會有咩好處, 但第二段又講而家"專屬"部門點好點好, 咁"專屬"部門係咪即係outsource 左既department? 如果outsource department 而家已經有, 咁點解第一段又叫人outsource 個marketing department 呢?

2007-10-26 11:11:35 補充:
sorry, should be marketing and promotion, not marketing and production
2007-10-27 5:09 am
Because the market department is an independent department, it is subordinate that the market manager only needs management, have not been affected by other departments . Because of this kind of reason , sentence the market department to be be easier to control and manage outside.

Exclusive departments are responsible for the market and popularize now, the popularity of the webpage will rise, make more customers have a look around abc Company and patronize, thus increase and sell the number of times , the income is raised greatly .
參考: me
2007-10-27 3:17 am
Because the marketing department is an independent department, market manager only needs to manage its subordinate, not other department's influence.Based on this kind of reason, outside sentences the marketing department to be able to become the change control and the management.

Now has the exclusive department to be responsible for the market and the promotion, homepage well-knownness then can rise, causes more customers to glance over abc Corporation and the patronage, thus increase sale number of times, income big promotion.
2007-10-26 7:12 pm
Since marketing department is an independent department, marketing manager only requires to manage his/her subordinates without being affected by other departments. As such, outsourcing of marketing department will be easier to control and manage.

With the presence of a specified department in charge of marketing and promotion, the fame of the website can be enhanced, which enables more customers to navigate and make purchases abc company. It will lead to an increase in sales volume and a dramatic boom of income.

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