
2007-10-26 6:42 pm

回答 (2)

2007-10-26 7:47 pm
Proprty tax :

Annual rental income $48,000
Less:20% statutory
outgoings ( $960)
Assesable value $47,040

Tax 16% $7,526.40
There is no any extra allowance for property tax except 20% statutory outgoings.
If your dad has a insurance policy, he can loan the cash value from his insurance policy. Maximum 90% of the cash value .
2007-10-26 7:27 pm
薪俸稅 跟 物業稅 是兩種不同性質的稅項.
只要有物業收租, 就要交物業稅.
而免稅額只適用於薪俸稅, 而物業稅系無免稅額的.

你父親因為擁有物業, 都不算貧窮人士,
除老人生果金外, 應沒有什麼資助.

交稅是公民義務, 有能力交稅是光榮的事!!

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:10:29
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