請問有沒有人知道 Marriott Vacation Club 是什麼?

2007-10-26 5:48 pm
昨天收到有人話代表Marriott的電話, 她說星期六及日有過介紹marriott酒店之講座, 約90分鍾, 聽完後還有禮物送, 我想看看這個marriott vacation club 是什麼? 免得浪費時間去聽, 謝謝.

回答 (3)

2007-10-26 10:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is a membership that you pay the member fee and you will entitle to have some points to trade for Marriott hotels, air tickets, car rent, etc. You need to pay the member fee for 10 years but the membership will last for 50 years (you may grant it to your son/daughter). There are few membership types & decide how many points you will get in every year, of course, the more you pay the more points you get.

Even you didn't join the membership, you will receive a value of HK$1000 gift (e.g. Marriott cash coupon or VISA pre-paid card) after the presentation.

I know this because I have attended it already & got the gift. Honestly, they didn't put too much pressure to push people join the membership
2008-09-01 5:06 am
i don't think so
because i go to the place.
i have take the gift.
and you have look the website
www.money128.biz and www.fast-beauty.6289.us
2007-10-26 6:10 pm
我有朋友都有接過這類電話, 他們真是一些提供 "旅遊渡假" 的一個club,
他們會講解, 他們在世界各地, 有好多個小島, 島上所有酒店, 游玩設施, 你都可以租用 (但費用好貴的), 你可以自由去訂他們的任何一個酒店............可能仲有好多其他解釋

但是.....你需要支付年費做會員 (唔記得實數, 大約$5000 - $6000), 之後, 就送一些中國大陸d / 或 澳門 酒店 coupon 比你 ($400-$500)


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