吉隆坡有咩好食好玩 ?

2007-10-26 5:47 pm
如題 , 另有幾個問題 :
(1) 我唔鍾意觀光睇名勝 , 亦唔鍾意水上活動 , 請問吉隆坡仲有咩好玩 ? (除左雲頂)
(2) 吉隆坡有無玩機動遊戲而又值得去嘅遊樂場 ? 有無得意或者特別嘅博物館 ? 或者比較動態d同新奇嘅玩意 ? (除左雲頂)
(3) 吉隆坡物價如何 ? 購物食野咩價錢 ? 有無泰國咁平靚正 ? 邊度食野又平又好食 ? 邊度買野又平又抵 ?
(4) 而家港紙對馬來西亞幣幾多 ? 邊度唱錢抵d ?

回答 (1)

2007-10-28 7:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Eat!! You can find a lot of local foods which are cheap and tasty!!
2)Certainly. There is the Asian Largest indoor theme park at TimeSquare. Besides, Sunway Lagoon will be a choise too.(Wet and dry parks). Muzeum?? Of course. Muzium Negara will be my recommendation.
3) Living cost in Malaysia is relatively cheaper than HK. However, clothing and other goods will only be dirt-cheap during Sales Carnival. So you have to be alert. In Malaysia, you can find many hawker centre where the foods are cheap and delicious.
4) the current exchange rate for Malaysian Ringgit to HKD is RM1 to HKD 2.333
參考: Myself

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