求中一及中三 數學書目錄

2007-10-26 8:51 am
有冇人有 今年 中一 及 中三 new trend(新紀元) 本 maths書既目錄(要埋d細part)
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2007-11-03 10:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
CH.0 (The Art of Mathatical Thinking)
0.1 Problem Solving
0.2 Strategies to Solve Problems
CH.1 (Directed Numbers)
1.1 Positive and Negative Numbers
1.2 Directed Numbers on the Number Line
1.3 Addition and Subtraction of Directed Numbers
1.4 Multiplication and Division of Directed Numbers

CH.2 (Basic Algebra)
2.1 Symbols and Algebra
2.2 Formulae and Substitution
2.3 Linear Equations in One Unknown
CH.3 (Patterns and Sequences)
3.1 Patterns
3.2 Polygonal Numbers
3.3 Sequences
3.4 Number Patterns

CH.4 (Basic Geometry)
4.1 Angles
4.2 The Use of a Protractor
4.3 Triangles
4.4 Polygons
4.5 Solids
4.6 2-Dimensional Representations of Solids
4.7 Drawing Tools

CH.7 (Areas and Volumes of Simple Figures)
7.1 Units of Areas
7.2 Area of Rectangle
7.3 Area of Parallelogram
7.4 Area of Triangle
7.5 Area of Trapezium
7.6 Units of Volumes
7.8Volume of a Priam
CH.8 (Ratio and Rate)
8.1 Ratio
8.2 Rations of More than Two Like Quantities
8.3 Rate
8.4 Applications of Ratios

CH.9 (Symmetry and Transformation)
9.1 Symmetry
9.2 Transformation
CH.10 (Introduction to Coordinates)
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Ordered Pairs
10.3 Rectangular Coordinate System
10.4 Distances
10.5 Areas
10.6 Polar Coordinates
10.7 Transformation of Figures
CH.0 (The Art of Mathematical Thinking2)

0.1 Review
0.2 Strategies to solve Problems
CH.1 (Estimation and Approximation)
1.1 Estimation in Oure Daily Life
1.2 Estimation in Measurements
1.3 Numerical Estimation
1.4 Approximation and Ettors

CH.2 (Polynomials)
2.1 Monomials
2.2 Polynomials
2.3 Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials
2.4 Multiplication of Polynomials
CH3 (Use of Formulae)
3.1 Simple Algebraic Fractions
3.2 Additon and Subraction of Algebraic Fractions
3.3 Formulae and Substitution
3.5 Change of Subject in a Formula
CH.4 (Identities and Factorization)

4.1 The Concept of Identity
4.2 Some Important Algebtaic Identities
4.4Factorization by Taking Common Factors
4.5 Factorization by Grouping Terms
4.6 Factorization by Using Identities
4.7 Simplification of Algebraic Fractions
4.8 Multiplication and Division of Algebraic Fractions
CH.5 (Pythagoras' Theorem)
5.1 Squares and Square Roots
5.2 The Values of Square Roots
5.3 Pythagoras' Theorem
5.4 The Proof of Pythagoras' Theorem
5.5 Applications of Pythagoras' Theorem
5.6 Irrational Numvers

CH.7 (Simultaneous Linear Equatrions in Unknowns)
CH.8 (Inequalities)
CH. 9 (Plane Geometry)
CH.10 (Congruent and Similar Triangles)
CH.11 (Introduction to Trigonometric Ratios)
CH.12 (Areas and Volumes)

參考: 我自己

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