美國西雅圖 升學...

2007-10-26 8:16 am
Tacoma Community College

Whatcom Community College

Skagit Community College

Seattle Central Community College

其實自己ge程度唔係好...考a-level 5科都唔合格...
程度太高ge college 驚會讀唔上...變左晒$$...

仲有想問西雅圖 d 物價 高唔高...
在市中心消費 同租屋 太概幾$$....? 貴唔貴...?
在郊區 生活又係點...?

因為Skagit Community College 好似係在郊區附近...
而Seattle Central Community College 係在市中心...

仲有...如果揀home stay 有咩要主意...
定係揀 宿舍 好...
有d 學校會提供 租公寓 ge help...
邊樣會好d 同 平d...?

如有在西雅圖讀書ge經驗, 可否分享一下~


回答 (3)

2007-10-28 1:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Tacoma Community College

Whatcom Community College

Skagit Community College have never heard about these colleges
Seattle Central Community College is ok,其實最好係bellevue community college (bcc), 果到campus 好大, 入大學果chance 又高. 但係bellevue 住就貴d, 因為係比較旺 (really closes to microsoft ), 治安比較好, (tacoma 治安 唔好), 交通方便 ( 唔好同hk 比) . btw host family 我唔係太各清楚. I guess BCC doesn;t line up with any agents in HK, so you better check out their web site. I believe they have some host family program provide so don;t worry about that. a lot of apartment near by that area, but i sugguet you should stay with host family first, and then move out if you want to .
參考: myself
2007-11-01 9:22 pm
其實你個agent 俾你個几間Community College我都有聽過. 因為community college無話邊間特別好D, 邊間差D,
而且亦無話邊間社區學院特別容易上邊間U架, 都係睇自己既成績.

你所講既几間都係在西雅圖, 我以前在Skagit Vally Community College讀. 都識D同學在其它社區學院, 我都同意令外兩位回答者部份內容, 就係Seattle Central 係吾錯架, 無論地點, 交通, 同收費都係好合理而且方便. 但Tacoma Community College 同 Whatcom Community College 都吾係無人識架, 只係本地人為主, 海外學生比較少D. 所以好似無咁出名, 其實都吾係架, 因為我都識D人(美國local) 在呢兩間讀, 學校都几好架.

當時我選Skait Valley有宿舍,而且我又同個friend一齊,所以就選了呢間, 因為吾係間間社區學院都有宿舍架.

而Bellevue Community College 呢個區貴D, 消費好高D.
參考: 自己
2007-10-30 12:00 am
Seattle Central Community College is in Downtown Seattle.
It was the College of the year in 2001-2002
I will recommend this one because it has a bigger chance to get into University of Washington.
And this is a good community college with good teachers.
This school provided the 租公寓 ge help
The apartment is like next to the school.
The home stay is cheaper.
They are like 575 per months w/ everything.
Or you can actually find a roommate when you meet some new friends in here.
And i suggest you to take a TOFLE test first,
then you wouldnt waste some money in our ESL classes.

2007-10-30 09:23:14 補充:
Skagit Community College&Whatcom Community Collegeare not that famous, so i wont recommend it.Tacoma Community College is so far away from Seattle.It will take 2 to 3hours for taking bus to downtown.

2007-10-30 09:23:26 補充:
Seattle Central Community College is like 5mins bus to downtown. Because the location is good, so you can rent anywhere.It is still so close to the school.

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