Does it tick you off sometimes at how people valuse an animal's life over a human's?

2007-10-25 10:46 pm
I can't believe that anyone would choose to save a "cute little puppy" over an animal. Well, I mean, I can believe it, but it doesn't make it any better. I am shocked at how many people would choose to save the puppies over the "ugly bum"

your thoughts?

回答 (18)

2007-10-25 10:52 pm
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actually, it pisses me off more when people value people's lives over animals.

A man is just another animal - and besides that, a dog won't betray you, a dog won't steal, a dog won't murder, a dog won't kill in some gods name...

A man is not worth more than an animal. How can you say that? It might be worth more to YOU, on the basis of liking better what's similar to you. But be careful, this is thin ice - on the basis of the very same assumption, white people are worth more than black ones (if you're white). See?
All lives, per se, are worth the exact same. We are, however allowed to judge living beings based on their deeds.

And now we come to the catch....

Animals are simple and straightforward. They will kill for food, but they will not murder. There's a big difference.
If all the people were as straightforward as animals, this world would be a MUCH, MUCH better place.

They don't say for nothing that dog's a man's best friend. A man just can't be.
If I had to strictly choose between them two, I'd save a noble, loyal animal over some street criminal any day.

******** ********* **********

Edit: Joe F - pit bulls will only murder when set to it by sick humans who enjoy dog fights and mistreat the dogs, beating them and torturing them until they turn them into killing machines.
A dog who was shown a lot of love and had proper upbringing has NEVER attacked a human without a reason. Never ever. It's always humans who modify animal behavior to the point when they provoke an attack.
參考: BTW, I worked in a dog pound for over a year, in case someone wonders. I've seen horrible things there. Every single one of them was commited by humans, not by dogs.
2007-10-25 10:58 pm
I love animals! I think it has to do with the helpless factor! I save ppls life all the time! it's my job! so I am good on the subject of valuing a human life!

2007-10-25 10:51 pm
Well...That's sick. And it's sad and pathetica and a sign of the times.

All I ask for is a little humanity, and that's not what happens. Do you mean you have a problem with humans risking their life for an animal?

Well, on that note, I have something to say.
"As I know more of mankind I expect less of them, and am ready now to call a man a good man upon easier terms than I was formerly. "

Samuel Johnson.

I'd save the bum, by the way.
So what you're telling me is the person is less of a person ecause he has a mental illnes or disease? that's horrible.
參考: As far as you go Drizzt, (and the other people that answered with human compassion) i was inspired to put this. You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. Gandhi. ^_^ Ain't he great?
2007-10-25 11:22 pm
I have spent about 30 something years in a job where soil is bought, by the yard in human lives.

The military life is one where you make (at least in my last two combat zones) hard choices over who to send to do a mission, a miserable human who should not be in the military or a professional soldier who you don't want to be killed but has the mental attitude to survive.

When it comes to saving people, or saving animals, I have to admit I do practice discrimination, but it is not premeditated nor is it random. If I know that a man is a career criminal, I could not in good conscience throw him a life preserver whether there is someone else needing help or not. I see getting rid of him as good for america, good for society, and good for him. serious illness sometimes requires harsh medicine.

I hope I don't have to make those choices anytime soon, you see there is this pro-choice movement, and I have to admit if it is good for the unborn who have done no harm, in retrospect it is definitely good for the evil, who feeds on society.

if a human vs: animal are at risk, I will do what I can to save both with priority to the human, unless as described above.

I don't apologize, if our criminal system worked, we would have less, if social engineering was not the soup of the day, we would have less, we are reaping what we are sewing,
2007-10-25 11:19 pm
Actually, some animals will murder. Pit bulls?

I prefer to take care of them all, but if I had to choose between saving an animal or saving a human being, I'd save the human being.
2007-10-25 11:10 pm
Actually, no, it does not tick me off.

I have very little use for the human race in general. Yes, I know, I am a member...sad to say. Don't get me wrong. I have met some very nice and wonderful people, but the majority are villians.

I have seen much destruction and damage and abuse at the hands of people. Tell me...when was the last time an animal committed the atrocities that humans do?

I prefer my puppy to most humans.

Edit - Joe F...Why do you think Pit Bulls have killed? PEOPLE have trained and bred them to do just that. They were bred to be fighting dogs in those sick and twisted dog "pits" so people could gamble on them. Now....who is the REAL murderer here?
2007-10-25 10:57 pm
There are too many humans and humans CAN take care of themselves. Dogs, if left alone, will eventually become pack animals and possibly feral. Many will end up as food for other animals. We as humans have bred most dogs into their non-survival instinct state.

Besides that, a homeless person is usually that way due to mental illness or drug addiction. Just a sad fact of life.
2007-10-25 10:57 pm
Listen don't get all bent out of shape. I am a big animal lover but I would save both lives (if I could). Do you know why most people like animals better? The world is getting pretty bad if you haven't noticed so I think they perfer to stick to animals Because how rotten people treat one another.
2007-10-25 10:57 pm
Let the reporting begin...

An animal's life is as valuable as a human's. We think we are more valid because we can "reason"? We also kill each other in more imaginative and effective ways, and have destroyed the beauty of this planet. Tell me again how superior humans are to animals?
2007-10-25 10:53 pm
Well, lets be fair.... its not a 1 to 1 ratio. It was 10 lives (puppies) or 1 life (man). I've rather save more lives than just one. Whether that be the 10 dogs or 9 dogs and the 1 guy.. Besides it's just hypothetical, so no, it doesn't piss me off.

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