About the phase of 'bring back buck'

2007-10-26 7:37 am
Please define the phase of 'bring back buck'!
Where is it originated and the meaning behind.
thanks you!!!

回答 (2)

2007-10-26 11:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"Bring back Buck" is a sign originates from a rugby game in New Zealand in 1990. This is related to a rugby player Wayne Shelford.

Wayne Thomas "Buck" Shelford (born 13 December 1957 in Rotorua) was a New Zealand rugby player who captained the All Blacks from 1987 to 1990 and who is credited with bringing about the improved performance of the All Blacks traditional "Ka Mate" haka.

For more detail, please go to
參考: from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2007-10-26 7:42 am
bring me back the money

在美國,BUCK 即係錢,
bring back 係 俾番咁解,

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