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2007-10-26 6:18 am
技術 music sense communication

回答 (2)

2007-10-28 7:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
您指的是Trinity 的 ATCL recital 吧~
communication 是比較抽象的
1. clarity of intent, including suitability to purpose (清晰的意圖,包括意圖是否合適)
2. presentation (演出的整體呈現感覺)
3. appropriate selection of a range of techniques, when managing instrumental resources, to communicate material successfully (技巧選擇以表達出意圖)

其實是指與聽眾的commmunication 多一點, 並不是要說話, 而是透過歌曲, 是將您對歌曲的理解/演繹帶到給聽眾, 令人'聽得出' 您想表達的。令聽眾感到滿足的。
例如(只是簡單舉例,不代表一定要這樣): 您有齊4個period 的歌, 讓人覺得您想帶出樂曲隨不同時代的轉變, 那您不同period的歌要真的要展示出令人感覺得到不同的曲風. 而且技巧方面要涉及不同的範疇的,技巧可以是例如: baroque--對位法--是否bring out 到不同voice? classical--快歌的手指靈活性?romantic---左手8個音對右手3個音?自由拍的運用?一連串好快的8度音? morden--古怪的拍子? etc.etc..好多
參考: 本人是鋼琴老師
2007-10-27 11:56 pm

我想是你怎樣理解樂曲, 然後你怎樣演奏出來

For myself, after I chose a piece, I would research everything about the music background, the composer, and etc. Eventually, I would analyze the music: the form, the motif/ the theme, any special intervals? any special measures I want to bring out and etc.

Every person has different feelings toward a same piece. I guessed, it really depends on how you feel and how you interpret the music.
參考: myslef

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