緊急~ opprotunity cost~

2007-10-26 5:37 am
which of the following will change the opportunity cost of gov. choosing the central reclamation project?
a) the gov. rejects the flyover project.
b) the Central reclamation project negatively impact the surrounding environment.

我個人認為係a) 但係唔係 請問點解??

perference: first: central reclamation second: flyover

回答 (1)

2007-10-26 5:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
b) the Central reclamation project negatively impact the surrounding environment.

你明唔明咩叫opportunity cost? 意思係為咗選擇一樣嘢而放棄叧一樣嘢~

b係 周圍環境因為呢個project而有壞影響,係損失咗
參考: me

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