✔ 最佳答案
小煜 ------ Small Yu
本名: 楊奇煜 ------ Real name: Yang QiYu
生日: 1985/07/05 ------The birthday: 1985/07/05
星座: 巨蟹座 ------ Constellation: Cancer
年齡: 21歲------ Age: 21 years old
身高: 172cm ------ Height: 172cm
體重: 60kg ------ Weight: 60kg
血型: AB型 ------Blood group: AB type
鞋子尺寸: 9.5 ------The size of the shoes: 9.5
教育程度:大專 (銘傳大學國際企業學系大四就讀中)------ Education degree: Junior college (is it spread university international enterprise department heavy 4 while studying in to engrave)
家族成員: 父母 兄------Family members: Parents Brother
興趣 : 結他..運動..電影------ Interest : Form he.. Dr.eye: Sport.. Dr.eye: Film
專長 : 唱歌 ------Speciality : Sing
形容自己: 悶騷 ------ Describe oneself: It is disturbed that it is stuffy
魅力部位: 鼻子 ------ Glamour position: Nose
最崇拜誰: Andy 張------Worship someone most: Andy one
喜歡演員: 湯姆克魯斯 ------ Like the performer: Tom and Crews
喜歡歌手: system of a down ------Like the singer: system of a down
優點: 穩重..愛家 ------ Advantage: Calm and steady.. Dr.eye: Love the family
缺點 : 不愛唸書..憂鬱 ------Shortcoming : No like study.. Dr.eye: Melancholy
喜歡的食物: 臭豆腐..雞排..麥當勞 ------ Food liked: Strong-smelling preserved bean curd.. Dr.eye: Chicken arrange.. ------McDonald
討厭的食物: 苦瓜..香菜 ------ Disagreeable food: Bitter gourd.. Dr.eye: Coriander
最近熱衷的事物 : 學卸妝------ Things that are keen on recently : Learn to unload and make up