
2007-10-26 2:37 am
請問以下問題中,有那些錯處( )代表那句有多少個錯處
1. One of my best friend called David.(2)
2. I like playing computer game, reading book and watching T.V.( 3)
3. My mother is a homewife and she cooks very good.(2)

回答 (4)

2007-10-26 8:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. One of my best friend called David.(2)
2. I like playing computer game, reading book and watching T.V.( 3)
3. My mother is a homewife and she cooks very good.(2)
1. One of my best friends is called David.(2)
2. I like playing computer games, reading books and watching television( 3)
3. My mother is a housewife and she cooks very well.(2)

第3句:學英文的時間,記得唔可以用中文轉去英文!所以句子中的”homewife”係想講家庭主婦,但英文係”housewife”;而”very good”會同用係句子的中間,如果用係尾部的話就要用”very well”啦!
2007-10-26 2:49 am
One of my best friend(s) (is) called David

I like (to play) computer game, (read) book and (watch) TV

My mother is a (housewife) and (her cooking is) very good

第二句唔係幾sure...但係1,3 應該係咁架喇

2007-10-25 18:56:33 補充:
重點唔係改D word, 而係改文法....括位就係錯左既First one, One of my best friend 個 friend要加S因為咁多個最好既朋友之中....is called 係因為佢被稱為 DavidThird one, homewife??咩來架未聽過, Housewife係主婦, good係adj. 佢係想講佢煮既野好好食so, her cooking (她煮的東西) is (係) very good (好好)...
參考: Me
2007-10-26 2:47 am
1. One of my best friend called David.(2)
2. I like playing computer game, reading book and watching T.V.( 3)
3. My mother is a homewife and she cooks very good.(2)
1. One of my good friend call David.(2)
2. I like playing computer games, reading books and watching T.V.( 3)
3. My mother is a housewife and she cooks very well.(2)
2007-10-26 2:43 am
1. One of my best friends is called David.
2. I like playing computer games, reading books and watching TV.
3. My mother is a housewife who cooks talently.

2007-10-25 18:44:58 補充:

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