
2007-10-26 1:31 am
1.Many people in HK think they will loss their freedom when they get married......

2.Some people belive children are a blessing not a burden to family......


回答 (1)

2007-10-26 1:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Many people in HK think they will loss their freedom when they get married......
because of某些原因,朋友經歷,責任.等等等等,釋返做英文都夠50個字啦

2.Some people belive children are a blessing not a burden to family......
because children帶來了新impact to a family ,bring 開心 to the parent and 一個挑戰 to the 父母 to raise up a child,and let them getting closer and closer to each other to give a perfect environment for the children,釋返做英文都差唔多夠50個字啦
參考: 幫你咁多啦,諗多d原因,because of乜乜乜,就會好快50個字

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