
2007-10-26 1:14 am

回答 (3)

2007-10-26 7:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
Don't bother how old you are. Just think you want study or not. In the europe country, a lot of people, they are 40, 50, 60 even 70, still studying. First, you need to solve out the finance problem, if it is not the problem, it is wounderful. You can apply the english course in some district college and some would supply accommodation, but you need to pay the course fee and accommodation abot £50-60 per week. If you want to learn english in fast way, living in english country is the best. It can help you speak as english but it costs a lot. I know a university call swansea university in wales, they supply the foundation course for the people not qualify to university and the english course at the same time, their course is reasonable. They supply a package for hk student about £9100-9200 per year.(It included a year tutor fee, accommodation and the meal 3 per a day).A lot of hk student is in there. If you really want to study and improve your english, it is a good choice.I am late of 40 and still study computing degree course at the moment.www.swansea.ac.uk and the the one is call swansea metro uni.

I hope itcan help you.
2007-10-27 3:54 am
其實想到英國讀書要找學校收, 要找好學校一點也不困難, 但年紀也是能取成功取得英國簽證的因素. 我有個朋友, 都係三個几歲,仲要啱啱離左婚, 申請時要見領事官, 結果都批到.

希望以上資料幫到你, 如有問題, 可email我 [email protected] 大交流下啦.

Good Luck
參考: Myself
2007-10-26 12:54 pm
其實英國是有很多不同學校供讀不同科目,在LONDON也有很多英文學校其中一間位於市中心OX st的CALLAN SCHOOL是一間很出名的英文學校,他們用比較生動的方式教學,學生
比較快學懂會話,而該校也設有chinese consultant你可以去www.callan.co.uk查詢

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